Monday 26 October 2009

Just one of the images that are possible to create using the method below.

Please note this is the set up i have chosen to use,its not set in stone that this is the only way to do it,but i find it works for me.

You will need;
1 cardboard box,lined with black card or material(black is the best background colour for smoke)
1 off camera flash and radio trigger
tripod(recommended but not essential)
incense sticks
coloured flash gels(various colours)

Below is an image of how the set up looks

The flash needs to point at the smoke,but not at the background,(if it points at the background it will prevent it coming out true black in the images.
Set your camera up so as to capture as much of the smoke as possible,light the incense stick,then just watch the smoke patterns and press the shutter when you see any that intrest you.
It really is that simple,when you`ve done open the images in photoshop or similar and crop out the unwanted bits.At this point i also enhance the image by tweaking the levels and curves ensuring the background is as dark as possible.Also you can alter the colours of the smoke if you hav`nt used coloured gels on the flash gun.
The rest is down to your imagination what you do with them,
here are a couple of mine

For more of my images visit

1 comment:

  1. Hey Steve,
    Thanks for referring me to this blog! It would appear that the box and black card idea is just what I was looking for!
    Many thanks
